
Positive Principal Roles

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Everyone is responsible for developing positive relationships with parent and the community. This would include the administrators, certified teachers, teaching aides, secretaries, custodians, maintenance, and bus drivers. As in the video the principal talked about how it is important to make sure that all the staff felt like they were part of the team and was aware of what was happening in the school. The community sees any employee of the school district to be a trusted individual that should be able to explain and talk about what the school is doing. It is important for an administrator to have an open relationship with all staff where they feel like they can have input on decisions about school issues. No matter what their job title is they should feel like they are an integral part of the team. This in turn will allow all school employees to feel comfortable developing that positive relationships with the parents and community. The principal’s role in developing positive community relations sets the tone for communication patterns, partnership formation and/or alienation (Fiore, 2013). There are many tasks that the principal has that is important to school and community relations. Some of those are being a good listener, diplomatic and tactful and all situations. They also have to promote the open door policy to be free to communicate with students, parents, and their staff. They also have to inform the superintendent and community about good and bad things that are

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