
Developing Strategic Management And Leadership Skills

Best Essays

Table of Contents
Developing Strategic Management & Leadership skills 0
Introduction 2
Company Profile 3
Task 1 Relationship between Strategic Management & Leadership 4
A. Strategic Management & Leadership 4
Core Values 5
Mission 5
Management Styles 6
B. Impact of strategic management /leadership on strategic decision 7
C. Leadership skills 7
Task 2 Management & Leadership Theories 8
A. Management & Leadership Theories in organisational Strategy 8
Leadership styles 9
B. Impact of Leadership Theories 11
Situational leadership 12
Fielder’s Contingency Theory 12
Hersey and Blanchard Model 13
Task 3 Leadership Requirements 14
A. Review current Leadership Requirements 14
B. Develop a plan for future Leadership Requirements 15
Staff planning chart 15
Task 4 Developing Leadership Skills 15
A. Developing Leadership Skills 15
B. Advantages of methods used in Developing Leadership Skills 16
Reference 17


Day today management is clearly defined by F.W. Taylor, Henry Fayol, Ma Weber, and others in classical management. No organisation can just have one type of management all through the organisation like operation can be scientific management and task oriented leadership. Marketing can be administrative and with action centred leadership. The overall leadership should be the same has the ethos of the organisation overall. . Current theories and models of leadership explain the influence of position upon the satisfaction and performance

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