
Development And Evolution Of Ballet In The 15th And 16th Century

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Ballet originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th and 16th centuries. Court musicians and dancers collaborated to make flowy dances. These were just the roots, if you were to watch a tape of this early form of ballet (which you can't) you would notice that it looks absolutely nothing like anything that you see today. Every ballet of the time was not choreographed and often had the audience partake in the festivities. As the 15th century went on Ballet evolved into choreographed steps and the dance was more often being used at aristocrats weddings and anniversaries. One of the most famous choreographers and dancers of the time was a man by the name of Domenico da Piacenza, he with his students created some of the first recognizable ballet numbers. There were others after him who had similar roles in the development and evolution of Ballet. The dance had then moved with the Aristocrats of the time to France where another big stage of evolution occurred. As it moved to France it made a jump from wedding performances to large theatre shows. The king at the time; Louis the 14th developed a true passion towards the art and set aside ministers and other officials solely in charge of Ballet. Many Italian choreographers had traveled to France to follow their passion and had trouble mixing in with the French appointed choreographers and dancers. At the time many of the Italian choreographer's shows would not sell well and the dancers would often go on strike. This

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