
Diabetes in the Latino Community

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Introduction Diabetes is a prevalent health disparity among the Latino population. Diabetes is listed as the fifth leading cause of death among the Latino population in the website for Center for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, in 2009. According to McBean, “the 2001 prevalence among Hispanics was significantly higher than among blacks.” (2317) In other words among the Hispanic or Latino community, there is a higher occurrence of diabetes as compared to other racial/ethnic groups such as Blacks and Native Americans. The prevalence of diabetes among Latinos is attributed to the social determinants of health such as low socioeconomic status and level of education. Further, this becomes an important public health issue when it costs the …show more content…

Public health workers from all spectrums can assist in proposed legislation and policies favoring the Latino community as well as increasing efforts for lifestyle changes leading to r4ducing risk factor such as obesity, hypertension and dietary choices. Public health programs will also look to create more strategies and interventions that promote, prolong and encourage a healthier lifestyle while living on a strained budget. In essence, acculturation and cultural lifestyle contributes to higher rates of diabetes among the Latino community. Food insecurity as a Prevalent Health Determinant There is a growing link between food insecurity and the increased prevalence of diabetes in the Latino community. Food insecurity has been shown in the literature to lead to increased diabetic prevalence among the Latino community. According to Fitzgerald et al, food insecurity is defined as “the limited ability to acquire nutritionally adequate and safe foods in socially acceptable ways.” (328) Food insecurity is seen in the form of skipping meals due to work and other obligations. Typically, Latinos have jobs that pay minimum wage and require more hours than a typical nine to five job. It is with these working conditions that lead to shorter lunch breaks and poor food choices. Fast food chains and cultural foods often

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