
Dialectical Marxism And Marxism

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As the world evolves and continuously changes, we, as a society, learn to adapt accordingly. Different schools of thought began to emerge over time allowing us to embrace alternate ideas on human behaviors and motivations. Of those contributing is Marxism, more specifically Dialectical Marxism/Materialism, with its bold conviction “that man is a victim and product of the economic component of his material constituency” (Martin p156). This is where the word materialism arrives. Materialism is set up with an understanding that, in short, “if there is no Biblical God, there can finally be nothing spiritual and the only remaining possibility becomes the material” (Martin p148). Essentially this is saying that it is not a God who motivates individual behaviors, rather it is their general environment and materials comprised within. I plan to discuss in brief my worldview of the society that I live in and try to correlate my views with those of times before my own. Capitalism has led to a selfish nation that has treated civil rights as a privilege not a certainty, and that seems to intentionally remind us of the “necessary” social fault lines between cultures and peoples.
Referencing the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy for a better understanding, I was able to find that process philosophy is “a longstanding philosophical tradition that emphasizes becoming and changing over static being” and that it “is characterized by an attempt to reconcile the diverse institutions found in the human experience into one coherent holistic scheme” (IEP np). I understand this to basically mean that without changes in thought we are unable to progress because we lack any challenge to our ideas ultimately leading to a “static” state of mind. Our society, in my opinion, has demonstrated that it is not God who motivates their decisions and behaviors, rather it is their surroundings. The result being a society called capitalism, with its members called selfish. Karl Marx had predicted that a scenario similar to this may take place.
As time passes, I cannot help but to notice how materialistic our world really has become. We have allowed ourselves to live as though there is not a God, and rightfully so if I may. It is not unreasonable

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