
Dialogue On Good, Evil, And The Existence

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Ever since philosophy existed, the topic of God existence was one of the main discussion philosophers’ questions. Questions like do we have good reason to believe in God? If God is real why do bad things happen to good people? Or why is there evil in the world if God is all powerful. Our society is driven to find a clear answer to such questions. I believe all of these questions are important for religious people to ask. These questions help a person understand and fine reasons for his or her faith rather than just going with what people say. The problem of evil in this world does not mean that the Tri Omni God is not perfect or does not exist. My goal is to clearly explain how evil can exist in a world created by a perfect God and, how God is not 100 percent responsible for the evil that is happening in this world as we claim he is. I will provide my own opinion on few of objections that most people say about God. There are many bad and evil things happening in this world whether it's natural suffering or natural evil. Humans tend not to put the blame of bad things happening to themselves rather than on something or someone else. It's our human nature to not own up to our responsibility. We run away from accepting our flaws and bad choices. Most of the time we blame God for creating a world …show more content…

He talked about to suppose him and Weirob, a character in the story of "Dialogue on Good, Evil, and the Existence of God", went on a picnic, and they decided to drink a pop that came with plastic bridles that hold the can all together. One of the bridles blows away. They could have chased it down, but they did not. Both of them decided to get it later. Later on, a bird gets caught in the hole and suffered and died (Perry

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