
Dictatorship and Dictators Essay

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A revolution has begun by the people in the Middle East against their long time dictators. The domino effect began first with Tunisia then Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and Libya. Thousands of protestors were gathered on the streets with posters, shouting for change and democracy. Why would there be protests unless the people are unsatisfied with the way the country is governed. Why would they go against their dictator unless they feel they have no rights and that they have no voice. Unlimited power should never be given to one person; the chances of corruption are very high because power can change even the most virtuous individual. That is why the path of a dictatorial country is a path of strife, oppression and economical downfall. …show more content…

Freedom is a blessing that occurs in a slow but steady development if it’s protected by ethics and morals.
How can one become a dictator? There are certain ways of accomplishing that but first I want to point out that dictators can be monarchs, presidents, prime ministers or chancellors. They’re only called that name by the way they wield their power. Every dictator is different and each one does things differently but they have a few things in common. First, they don’t acquire power through free constitutional elections. Second, they often take over during coups, times of emergency or revolutions. I was reading an article by Ms. Myriam Ehrlich Williamson stated that if “she wanted to become the United States’ first dictator, [she would]: sow contempt for and distrust of government, while pretending a passionate belief in democracy. [She’d] go on television look the American people straight in the camera lens, and lie about those who disagreed with [her], and about [her] own intentions”. She also had a list of other things she would do. It shocked me how easy it is to get into a place of power; all you have to do is tell the people what they want to hear.
What are the powers of a dictator? Well for starters they’re endless; a dictator can do about anything he wants in his country and with his people. A dictator also has control of the military so if he wants someone to disappear, be imprisoned or tortured he just has to give an order. This

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