
Diet Analysis Paper

Decent Essays

The three-day diet analysis was interesting. There were many positive attributes to it and definitely negative ones. Over the course of the three days, which were Friday, Saturday and Sunday: and figured this would give a good depiction of what I was consuming on a regular basis. In some places I was consuming more than I should be and in some I was consuming less than I should be. There were also those places were I was getting just the right amount. It is so interesting to me to be able to find out what I am consuming and how I am consuming it. Being an active male, it was most interesting of what I ate, what my average of the three days were, and the plan on how I would correct the way I eat to make it a more healthier lifestyle. …show more content…

I normally eat out during lunch, because I am either at school or work and it is convenient. I usually do not think of whether or not I am cooking the right foods that have a good amount of protein at dinnertime, and rely on fast-food chains. Since, I am over on my protein intake I am not worried about having to rely on fast-food to get the appropriate amount my body needs. Carbohydrates (carb) for me were at 206.36 grams when it should be at 554.37 grams, so not exactly where I need to be. Again, my carb intake was the highest during lunchtime. The foods highest in carbs high in starch or sugar would be found in the grains (Cinnamon Toast Crunch), starchy potatoes (French fries), and any foods with added sugar. Low carb foods I consumed were the meat (lunch and dinner), eggs (breakfast), and the small portion of vegetables (broccoli and carrots). Total fat was 63.9 grams compared the 125.43 grams of total fat recommended. Also, my saturated fat was 18.16 grams when listed at 40.32 grams of recommended intake. Not too sure on fats, except from the fact that the key is to replace bad fats (saturated and trans) with good fats (poly and monouns) in our diet. Knowing which fats will raise my LDL cholesterol and which ones will not is the first step to lowering my family’s history of heart disease. Cholesterol was 254.51 mg, which was very close to my recommended intake. If there is one thing I learned so far this semester, it

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