
Difference Between Lean And Six Sigma Approach

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Lean and six sigma approaches have been important tools for continuous improvements used by many companies for more than two decades. The Lean manufacturing approach stresses that the key ‘thrust' is combining all the tools to generate an efficient, first-rate system that creates products at the demand of the consumers with minimal or no waste (Brady & Allen 2006, P 334). On the other hand, six sigma's groundwork is in statistical testing. In this vein, the basic evaluation index is defects per thousand opportunities that could encompass aspects such as piece material, component and administrative form. Six Sigma applies the DMAIC process that collapsed the underlying project into phases (Baird 2009, p. 130). Both approaches have enabled …show more content…

138) The small improvements in different steps of the production process, when summed together, should lead to a higher level of efficiency and improved quality of products. Lean approach has been applied successfully in the private sector, particularly in production, but the approach is less frequently used in the public, and scant research has been done to establish whether it confers the same benefits and what effects it has on the productivity and the quality of the services delivered (Brady & Allen 2006, P 335).
The main point of departure between the model that was used by Henry Ford and the Toyota Production system was the change in focus from individual machines and their functions to the manner in which manufacturing flowed across each machine. Through small changes to generate small amount of different part numbers and improving communication in the entire process, Toyota was able to increase variety of products made, improve quality, reduce costs, and augment the rate at which products are made (Brady & Allen 2006, P

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