
Difference Between Transgender And Transgender

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According to Merriam Webster, gender is defined as “the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex”. It is typical for our society to combine sex and gender as if it is the same thing, which it is not. Sex is biological, the makeup of your chromosomes. Gender, however, can be relative. A person can be the female sex but identify as the male gender, and vice versa. This topic is where we see individuals identifying as transsexual and transgender. Susan Scutti (2014) explains the difference between the two. Scutti explains that transsexuals are people who transition from one sex to another. An individual can be born as a male and then become recognizably female (and vice versa) through the use of hormones and/or surgical procedures. Scutti also explains that transsexuals are unable to change their genetics and cannot acquire the reproductive abilities of the sex to which they transition.
This is because sex, as I explained, is assigned at birth and refers to a person’s biological status as male or female. Each of us is born as either male or female, with rare exceptions of those born intersex who may display characteristics of both sexes at birth. Scutti explains that transgender, then, unlike transsexual, is like an umbrella term. One example of a transgendered person might be a man who is attracted to women but also identifies as a cross-dresser. Other examples include people who consider themselves gender nonconforming, multigendered,

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