
Differences And Disadvantages Of Standardization Vs. Customization

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2.3.1 Standardization vs. customization On one hand, standardization represents a way of reducing the costs, increasing productivity, lowering the prices and systemizing innovations so that they can be reproduced (Sundbo, 1996; Gallouj, 1994; Sundbo 1998, cited in Sundbo, 2002). Customization on the other hand, increases the customer satisfaction ensuring the perceived quality, creates opportunities for rising the price. Furthermore it enables innovation to take place near the customer, which offers a great possibility to succeed on the market. The traditional economic theory highlights productivity gains as being the essence of any economic activity, implying economies of scale and cost reduction, while the theories of service development stress the importance of customer care in service activities, not reducing the costs (Normann, 1991; Gronroos 1990, cited Sundbo, 2002).

Standardization can be described as an economy of productivity, where prices and quantities are the most important elements. The focus is to increase the productivity, which will help in …show more content…

Thus, the content of service is standardized but the standard elements can be combined in many ways when delivered”. Modulisation therefore combines the advantages of customization, by offering personalized services that increase the customer satisfaction, together with the advantages of standardization that focus upon increasing the productivity. In this way, the company has control over the costs and the customer is satisfied because he feels he receives an individual service (Sundbo, 2002). In addition, through modulisation, a service provider profits from large-scale manufacturing, while the production is “specialized and modulised, and yet is simultaneously flexible” (Sundbo,

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