
Differences And Similarities Between The New England And Southern Colonies

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During the 17th Century, Europeans established colonies in North America. The English colonies were established because proprietors were granted a charter so they could settle and govern lands. The New England colonies were very different from the south, between the use of slaves, the climate, and their religion. The south relied on the use of slaves because of their plantations, which the weather played a big part in, and their religion due to the people who settled there. Although, the colonies were under control of the English and had many commonalities, along with different origins and dissimilar purposes for settling, each region created a distinct culture. These similarities and differences can be evidenced when comparing the climate, use of slaves, and religion of the New England and Southern Colonies. …show more content…

For example, in the New England colonies they had very little farming due to poor soil and had poor conditions for hunting, because of the weather the colonies had small scale-farms. In contrast, the south had rich fertile soil and a warmer climate which meant they had a longer growing season. The south had the opportunity to have plantations because of this weather, so the people often had these estates where they could have cash crops, which required a large workforce. Slave labor was used to grow crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo. The New England colonies had long winters and the temperature was not as warm as it was in the south; their terrain was rocky, hilly , and they had forests. For that reason, The New England regions environment was different so this prevented them from having these plantations along with a large

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