
Differences Between Females And Females

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There are a lot of distinct differences between females and males, but one of those difference shouldn’t be how they are raised. Parents and Guardians should not have different hopes and standards for their sons than for their daughters because it affects their children in many different negative ways and promotes anti equality. Although I do understand that in our society today we have different set standards for males and females I still believe that the way parents and guardians raise their children should be equal.
Males and females have always been very different, but they should always be looked at as equal. Although when parents and guardians set different standards for their sons than for their daughters it creates a divide between males and females. As Samantha Ashton said, “Based off of Google searches, parents hope for their sons to be intelligent and their daughters to be pretty and skinny. They were also more likely to search if their daughter is overweight when it is 9% more likely for males to be overweight. Females are also more likely to be “gifted” by 11% while parents search more about boys being gifted. Parents shouldn’t be worrying if their daughter is too overweight and if their son isn’t intelligent unless they are equally concerned for both children.”(Page 1, Para 4). In Samantha Ashton’s research it defiantly shows that when parents and guardians set different hopes and standards for their sons than for their daughters it creates a major divide

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