
Discriminatory Attitudes Towards Minority Students

Satisfactory Essays

This class was designed to demonstrate and encourage students to be an associate instructor. However, it successfully discouraged me to do so. 1. Bias and discriminatory attitudes towards minority students: 1) I am one of the minorities in this class. The instructor called me 'dead student' via our communication. It happened at the beginning of this semester when I asked her regarding one of the assignments. However, the instructor replied me back calling me 'dead student'. I was scared and frustrated when I saw this email and did not know what should I do. Since then I felt uncomfortable and nervous that she would call me 'dead student' to embarrass me in front of my peers when I sit in the classroom. 2) Inappropriate questions were asked …show more content…

However, both instructors did not stop and allow the student to ask such question. Does this mean I should treat my students differently based on their wealth or where they originally come from? I do not think so and I believe this disobeys the values of IU as an outstanding public university in the U.S. 2. Unprepared lectures The co-teaching instructor is a nice person. However, I have concerns that doctoral students should be allowed to co-teach their peers in a doctoral level class. For example, in one class, she would like to demonstrate some 'fancy' tool to use in the class. However, ironically, she even did not know how to use that website while she is trying to show us how to use the website. I also have doubts that the 3. Unclear instructions and 'unstable' syllabus: The syllabus changed its grading part. The weight of teaching portfolio increased to 20% in total grades. However, the teaching did not mention that in class neither canvas did not reflect this change. Another example is that the instruction is not clear. A paper assignment's e max page should be 3-4 pages. It is difficult for me to

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