
Distracted Driving In Canada

Decent Essays

In Canada there are several different ways civilians manage to harm themselves while driving vehicles. The occurrence of a vehicle disturbance not only causes harm to the drivers involved, but also puts the surrounding environment at further risk. Understanding the causes to distracted driving is crucial for the safety of Canadians, and can help prevent millions of dollars in damage. The invention of the car has increased in popularity within society, resulting in the creation of several different models of cars. Each new model has made attempts to address distracted driving. Through additional attention to case studies involving distracted driving, we can predict driving is caused from use of drugs and alcohol , use of technology/electronics, …show more content…

A variety of risks are involved with driving a vehicle; one of the most important risks associated with driving is impairment. Impaired driving is one the problems that has been a criminal act in Canada since 1921(statcan). Individuals who drive vehicles while under the influence of drugs and alcohol present themselves immediate danger through lack of attention and a rise in unsafe driving practices. Furthermore, impairment also presents drivers increased chances of receiving tickets which pose additional financial issues. Impaired driving can include the use of marijuana, prescription drugs, non-prescribed drugs and alcohol. "Impaired driving is the leading cause of death on highways. Police patrols can reduce road accidents, provided they are effective"(Dionne, 2006). Studies focusing on higher police patrol presence and road blocks have data concluding the positive effects on the communities that are a part of the plan to reduce drinking and driving. Although drinking and driving had steadily been on the decline for the past 25 years there was a small rise from 2006 to 2011.(statcan). The fight against drinking and driving has led to …show more content…

Distracted driving is becoming the one of the highest causes of fatal accidents in youth. People are becoming more and more dependent on their mobile phones due to the economic and social benefits they provide. With advancement of technology and the more widespread use of smartphones distracted driving is become more dangerous than driving impaired. Driving itself needs full focus and attention with new technologies more focused on making mobile phones more easily compatible with cars it has become increasingly difficult to eliminate the problem cell phones and mobile phones cause when linked to each other. Studies show those using mobile devices while driving are 4-6 times more likely to get into a accident, With the risk so high many cell phone use while driving has been banned in many different countries around the world(fatal distractions). The second alternative is hands-free devices allowing drivers to accept calls, compile and send text messages with ought the use of hands, but using a mobile phone whether it be hands-free or not still hinders performance and deviates the focus of the driver. Car companies have recently countered this issue by implementing new technology in vehicles. For instance, cars now come equipped with built in blue tooth and exceptional pairing applications. This technology leads to inconclusive results of using a hand-held device.

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