
Distractions In College Essay

Decent Essays

There are some things within the college lifestyle that are acceptable to a certain extent, but when taken too far they can lead to be great distractions. The college experience exposes incoming students to many distractions, like the cost of financing going toward their education to the challenges that come with carving out an adult identity. Living away from home for the first time also forces students to confront issues that pose numerous distractions from your grades dropping, not doing your homework, skipping class, causing conflicts with roommates, and setting ground rules for developing positive personal and sexual relationships. Almost everyone has experienced peer pressure before, either positive or negative. Peer pressure is when …show more content…

Choosing a good environment is a good step towards monitoring possible distractions. Distractions come in all shapes, sizes and sounds. External distractions include things like noise, people talking, TV, music, phone alerts, and anything else that diverts your attention from the task at hand. When it comes to studying, multitasking is ineffective. While it may seem like multitasking would be a good thing, research has shown that people who are multitasking are not doing two things at the same time. “People are instead switching back and forth quickly between tasks. The result of this movement is that performance suffers on both tasks, and people who are multitasking are less likely to remember information later”, (Dzubak, 2008). There may be other areas of our lives where multi-tasking is useful but studying and problem solving require deep concentration and interruptions make it harder to focus and decrease your chances of recalling information later. Brad Zomick has steps for time management and finding the right way to study by, “Evaluate your study locations, identify your distractions, make a list, set up your study time so you minimize internal distractions, schedule breaks, putting away obvious distractions, and use rewards to motivate yourself throughout your study period”

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