
Dna, Evidence, And Dna Evidence

Decent Essays

There are many types of evidence used in our justice system including testimony, documentary evidence, real evidence, exculpatory evidence, inculpatory evidence, demonstrative evidence, and DNA evidence. However, the piece of evidence I will choose to talk about is DNA evidence which is also known as DNA profiling. This piece of evidence changed the landscape of the justice system when it was first introduced 1986 by Professor Alec Jeffreys; he developed DNA fingerprinting techniques to link two rapes/murders to a perpetrator named Colin Pitchfork while exonerating an innocent man in the process ( According to the National Institute of Justice, there are currently four types of DNA evidence Analysis but I will discuss three of them. The four types are Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Short Tandem Repeats (STR), Y-Chromosome, and Mitochondrial DNA. “Sources collected for these analysis come from blood, semen, saliva, urine, feces, hair, teeth, bone, tissue, and cells” ( These samples are taken from clothing, tools, weapons, beddings, and just about everything else around a crime scene. Basically, I will be going more into depth about the many forms of analysis for DNA evidence. First off, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) consist of four reaction components, such as template DNA, DNA polymerase, primers, and buffers. First component, template DNA which can be taken from a person’s skin cells and later be amplified. Next

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