
Do Illegal Immigrants Hurt The Us Economy? Essay

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The United States began its immigration policy soon after it won independence from Great Britain on July 4th, 1776. For over two hundred and forty years ago. The law has since been shaped through different eras and different political views over the years. In more recent years, unauthorized immigration law in particular has become a major topic. From our law making politicians, Congress, political debates and school; it has been one of the focused topics. Do Illegal immigrants hurt the US economy? This question has been a matter that has plagued so many for years without any perfect answer. Many hearts have been filled and troubled with lots of thoughts which have led to the question; how do unauthorized immigrants affect the US economy. Many might argue that immigrants do not pay enough in taxes to cover the public services they receive from the government at the present time. According to Maria Santana on CNN MONEY, illegal immigrant “Collectively, they paid an estimated $10.6 billion to state and local taxes in 2010, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). Illegal immigrant in most states does not qualify for welfare, food stamps and Medicaid. What most people seem to forget is that illegal immigrants do not even get any benefit from their daily job, some have no name or record if anything was to happen in their line of work. Some employers see them as dispensable with no question. Yet, these same employers take out taxes, Medicare and other

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