
Does Writing Down Notes On Paper More Effective Than Typing It?

Decent Essays

Does writing down notes on paper more effective than typing it?
Cerebrum: The cerebrum is the main part of the brain, which has two halves, or hemispheres. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and deals with things such as creativity, music, and art. While the left hemisphere of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body and is in charge of language, problem solving, and math. The cerebrum’s many tasks are carried out by its outer layer, or its cortex. This has distinct areas that have different roles. Motor areas trigger movement; sensory areas deal with the senses, while association areas clarify information.
Cerebellum: The cerebellum is responsible for producing smooth, coordinated movements of the body. It analyzes incoming information about the body’s current movement and position then interacts with the primary motor cortex to precisely time muscle contractions.
Why does writing something down help us remember it better?
Our brain is separated into several regions that undergo different kind of information. Then there are regions that process information such as visual, verbal communication, auditory, emotions, etc. These different regions communicate with each other and each one of them has its own processes it has to complete first. For example one looks at a piece of art and express their emotions with language, thus working the verbal function part of the brain.
When we hear a lecture, the section of our brain that handles listening and

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