
Cuuracao Essay

Better Essays

With the recent advances in technology our world has become one interlinked group of nations. Curaçao, being a small part of our globe offers many opportunities for multinational investors. This guide was prepared to better acquaint potential investors with the business climate in Curaçao. The information contained in the following pages was comprised through the mutual efforts of many people in vital sectors of the economy. Their effort in making this guide as concise as possible is appreciated. The guide is not intended to be all encompassing, yet it serves as a good reference to the Curaçao business environment. If further information should be required, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to the …show more content…

57 TELECOMMUNICATION....................................................................................................................... 58 TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN GENERAL ....................................................................................................... 59 E-COMMERCE .............................................................................................................................................. 61

Economic Indicators Labor Utility Rates Procedures for Incorporation


Economic Indicators
Curaçao is located in the Caribbean Sea near the northern coast of Venezuela. Due to its geographical location, Curaçao has been traditionally used as the commercial base between Latin America, Europe and the United States. Curaçao is the largest of the five islands that form the Netherlands Antilles. Through its ties with the Netherlands, Curaçao enjoys preferential treatment with the European Union. The island is known for its excellent natural harbor and its political stability.





1. Inflation rate 2. Total population 3. GDP at market prices, in million USD 4. Real GDP growth rate 5. Gross National Income per capita, market prices in USD 6. Employed persons 7. Unemployed persons 8. Unemployment rate 9. Foreign exchange reserves, in million USD 10. Merchandise trade balance, in million USD 11. Merchandise

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