
Dollar General Analysis

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Memo To: Management From: Date: [ 11/10/2010 ] Re: Competitive strategy Confidential Over the last several years Dollar General has seen great success with the strategies currently in place. With potential changes in the economy and some situations presently in the company Dollar General must plan for the future. This memo was put together to identify our strengths and weakness, analysis the external factors of the company, and find options for the future. The options of where to invest our time and effort are; Geographic expansion within the U.S, Improve Merchandising Productivity, and Expand into Services. The recommendation chosen for the Dollar General was to pull back slightly on the current plan of expanding through building …show more content…

Another strength of Dollar General is rooted down in our mission statement. “To serve others: to provide customers a better life, shareholders a chance for a superior return, and employees respect and opportunity” The respect and care Dollar General gives to the customers and employees comes back to benefit them in their revenue. Dollar General gives the customer a cheap reliable product and distributes it through stores that are local and convenient; convenience and price is where they win. At Dollar General they research and battle daily to provide the cheapest prices in the business at our stores. Not only are the prices cheap, but they are made easy for the customers when shopping. Customers can find the prices of all the products in even increments. This makes it easy for the customers when adding up totals and figuring out taxes. Another convenient aspect of our stores is the size. On average a Dollar General store will be about 6,900 square feet. This allows the customer to get in and out of the store as quickly possible and get on with their day. In fact the average shopper at Dollar General will have completed their shopping, paid, and out the store within 10-20 minutes. This can be compared to a customer going into Wal-Mart shopping for the same goods would spend around 55 minutes in the store. Our last strength would be the products. Dollar General is designed

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