
Don River Watershed Essay

Satisfactory Essays

As one of the watersheds in TRCA jurisdiction, the Don River watershed is over 80% developed and has a very high rainfall runoff response. There are three high risk flood vulnerable areas in this watershed; the Hoggs Hollow, Lower Don, and the Yonge and Elgin Mills area. A hydrological model has been established for Don River watershed and has been updated in 2004. After that, 12 years of meteorological and stream flow data has been collected and a number of significant storm events have occurred. Another hydrology update is deemed necessary to utilize the new datasets and to confirm the design requirement for a number of key projects.
The hydrology update for the Don River watershed will follow the standard procedure for hydrological modelling including modelling platform selection, watershed delineation, model parameterization, model calibration and validation, and model simulation (scenario evaluation). The main objectives of this model update are as follows:
• Evaluation and selection a hydrology modelling platform that will best serve the TRCA and the Don River watershed now and in the future;
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(Civica) provides high-value specialized Water Resources Engineering and Environmental services to public sector and select private sector clients in Ontario. We deliver innovative, value-added drainage planning and analysis services to municipalities and conservation authorities. We also work with other consultants to provide specialized hydrologic and hydraulic consulting services as needed. Civica can help you develop policies, procedures, and special hydrologic and data management tools for drainage system management in watersheds and municipal drainage systems. We provide clear and effective communication, and sound management with integrity. We uphold values such as honesty, fairness, client-confidentiality, right communication, friendly approach, and professionalism. Our core philosophy is: ‘We exist to make our clients

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