
Downstream Petroleum Industry

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Downstream – From Refinery to Customer

The downstream sector encompasses the refining, storage, distribution and marketing of petroleum products:

• Refining Process: Crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products;

• Storage: The products from the refining process are stored at depots via pipeline, land (trucks & rail) and sea (barge/vessel). These storage facilities are also called tank farms or terminals

• Distribution and Marketing: Petroleum products are distributed from storage locations to the end-user directly or through retail outlets

The major products produced by a refinery are, Kerosene, Premium Motor Spirit (“PMS” - Gasoline), Automotive Gas Oil (Diesel), Fuel Oils, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), …show more content…

They belong to trade association called Major Oil Marketers Association of Nigeria (MOMAN).

Independent Marketers - The Independent marketers, comprises largely indigenous petroleum marketing companies. The FGN introduced the Independent Marketing Scheme in 1978 because of petroleum products shortage of the 1970s and the lack of sufficient investment by major marketing companies in the rural areas. This led to the establishment of the Independent Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) in 1982. Membership is open to every independent marketer duly licensed and authorised to operate by the NNPC or other appropriate organisation in charge of this function. The trade group of these companies is referred to as the independent Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN). Examples of Independent marketers are Zenon Petroleum, Capital Oil & Gas and Ascon Oil & Gas.

OANDO Marketing Limited (“OML”)

Oando Marketing Limited one of the companies within the Oando Plc group, is a leading oil and gas marketing company with over 500 retail outlets and a commercial clientele base that cuts across all industry sectors such as manufacturing, construction, oil & gas and telecommunications in Nigeria and the West Africa sub region. OML has been in the business of marketing and supply of petroleum products since 1956.

OML markets a wide range of products including Premium Motor Spirit (PMS),

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