
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

Decent Essays

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was written by a scottish author named Robert Louis Stevenson and was first published in 1886. The book is about a British lawyer named Gabriel John Utterson who begins to investigate the strange occurences of a Mr. Edward Hyde only to find out that it was an evil version of his old friend Dr Henry Jekyll. The story begins as Uttersons “ distant Kinsman”, Richard Enfield tells of how he had watched a little man; who was “ the usual cut and dry apothcary of no particular age and colour with a strong edinburg accent and about as emotional as a bag pipe”, bump into a little girl around the age of 8 or 10 and then proceed to trample calmly over her body like “a damned juggernaut” leaving her screaming …show more content…

Henry Jekyll’s Will for he had changed his sole heir to Edward Hyde “ in case of his Disappearence or unexplained absence for any period exceeding 3 calender months”. This disturbed, yet baffled Utterson and he had feared that Hyde was black mailing Dr Jekyll. Utterson had gone to see a Dr Hastir Lanyon and ask if he knew anything about the strange Mr. Hyde in which he did not. Since Dr. Lanyon had never heard or seen a Mr. Hyde, Utterson had then decided to stalk the strange door in which Mr. Hyde had visted for the cheque so he could meet and see Hyde for …show more content…

Utterson had gone to visit Dr. Henry Jekyll only to find him looking deathly ill. When Utterson asks Jekyll about Hyde he says that he has gone and that he wants nothing else to do with Mr. Hyde. Jekyll had then given Utterson the note that had been “written by Hyde” reassuring Jekyll that he had nothing to worry about and that he had means of escape. Upon receiving it, Utterson had asked Poole about the man who had delivered it in which Poole replies that he had no knowledge of any letters being delivered. Later that night Utterson discussed the situation with Mr. Guest who is a expert on handwritting who compares Hydes writing to that of Jekylls to uncover that they’re the same only that Hyde’s handwriting leans the opposite

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