

Decent Essays

The people of the Philippines believe in a creature called the mandurugo, a vampiric creature that takes form of a beautiful girl by day, but grows wings and a hollow, thread like tongue used to suck the blood of the sleeping at night. The Cape region in Africa has the folklore of the impundulu, which has the ability to transform into a large taloned bird that can control thunder and lightning. Vampires are seen in stories and folklore throughout civilizations and generations. Even though people knew of vampires, Bram Stoker’s novel made people fear them by terrifying his reader’s with his persona Dracula. The Count has been known to be a very complex character with many odd quirks and traits. Nowadays these have been changed or kept by …show more content…

Dracula made an appearance in Joss Whedon’s TV show and was able to control human minds. A major change is how vampires react in sunlight. In the beginning of Dracula we are to believe that he can only go out at night. Later on Jonathan Harker believes he saw Dracula on the streets of Whitby during the day. Van Helsing later confirms that vampires are only weakened by sunlight. The vampires in the Patricia Waddell books and the Buffy series are unable to step foot in daylight without burning up. However in Waddell’s books the vamps can easily be revived. These two adjustments to the original make sunlight an instant death to a vamp instead of just being weakened. Surprisingly the vampires of the Twilight series remain closest to Stoker’s original because even though they sparkle in daylight they still walk around during the day. The killing of vampires has changed in books and TV shows and even varies throughout the book Dracula. Dracula’s wives are killed in the traditional way, a wooden stake through the heart, but Dracula is put to rest with two knives. Today vampires can be killed with anything, but a major change is the use of a silver stake in many different series. The way vampires die has also changed. Killing a vampire in True Blood is far removed from wooden stakes and dust, the process of killing a vampire is brutal and the vampire melts into a gruesome pulp. Anne Rice’s vampire Lestat had his

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