
Dracula by Jonathan Harker

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Mina Murray-Harker, like all women, is one of the most complicated characters throughout the novel. She can bring all the men together to kill Count Dracula, including the three men who were in competition for Lucy Westenra’s love, and has a mind of her own and that of a males. She is highly spoken of by Van Helsing, “She is one of God's women, fashioned by His own hand to show us men and other women that there is a heaven where we can enter, and that its light can be here on earth. So true, so sweet, so noble, so little an egoist – and that, let me tell you, is much in this age, so sceptical and selfish” (168-169). Meeting Jonathan Harker (Mina’s husband) for the first time, Van Helsing describes Mina being very clever yet passive; Mina may not have the sex appeal like Lucy Westenra, but she definitely has the brains, which may have saved her from a immortal life. Typically describing a male from this time period would be: heroic, intelligent, and important. On the other hand, a woman would be portrayed as: pure, maternal, and considered to be below a male. Even though Mina is obviously a woman she also holds masculine traits, which makes her stand out by being the powerful woman character. Her masculine traits are shown through her shorthand records, typed journals, and narrative point of view, which reveal Dracula’s methods and main purpose. Mina’s “man-like” brain helps her understand Dracula’s plan on how to get back home to Transylvania, which leads to the ultimate

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