
Drug Addiction In Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

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“It was for one minute that I saw him, but the hair stood upon my head like quills. Sir, if that was my master, why had he a mask upon his face?” (Stevenson 84 ). In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson Mr. Utterson realizes that Dr. Jekyll has been acting strange and locking himself up in his laboratory. When Mr. Utterson meets Mr. Hyde for the first time he is weary of him. Mr. Hyde does many questionable things, such as killing a man and attacking a child. This leads Dr. Jekyll to write a note about his duality of human nature theory and how Mr. Hyde came about. In the letter he described how this theory had been his life’s work and that just by simply drinking a potion that he had compounded he became, the evil, Mr. Hyde. After writing this note Dr. Jekyll kills himself because he cannot stand to be Mr. Hyde any longer. Dr. Jekyll is in denial, he experimented with the potion, and because he is addicted to becoming Mr. Hyde, all of this makes Dr. Jekyll comparable to a drug addict of today. One way Dr. Jekyll is similar to a drug addict is that denial is a stage of addiction. According to Azure Acres, a recovery center in California, there are many kinds of denial. Dr. Jekyll seems to be in Type A denial. Type A denial is when a person understands they have a problem but when confronted about their problem, they deny it. Jekyll knows he has a problem but he believes he can stop any time he wants. “It’s not as bad as that; and just to put your

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