
Duckweed Experiment

Decent Essays

What is duckweed? The was the first question that went through my mind when this lab was assigned. This resulted in pre-lab research. The first thing I learned was that duckweed, is a tiny aquatic flowering plant that floats in large quantities on still water, often forming an apparently continuous green layer on the surface. When my group was tasked with choosing our manipulative factor we decided on temperature manipulation. Based on the basic information we all had on duckweed due to our pre-lab questions, my group knew that duckweed is capable of growing in very harsh conditions in regards to pH, temperature, and light. Knowing this came to our advantage when we developed our hypothesis. We hypothesized that while under the different temperature conditions of an incubator, a fridge, and room temperature, the sample of frongs under grown under the incubator would remain healthy throughout the process while …show more content…

Were there any sources of error that could have contributed to false data in our experiment? The fast decline of the room temperature, was a red flag. Why would a sample that appeared to be healthy and thriving suddenly die within the span of 7 days? The possible sources of error I can predict regarding that part of the experiment would be the fluctuations in light based on its location in the room and amount of water that was filled on day 12 as possibly someone in the group forgot to refill the sample after noticing evaporation. The fluctuating temperature changes inside the room as well as the weather conditions and temperature conditions outside is also a possible source of error regarding the sample. I cannot identify any sources of error in regards to the fridge and incubator samples as their results could be backed up by our pre-lab research on duckweed growth in hot and cold

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