
Durkheim Social Facts

Better Essays

Stacey Seddon

10 January 2011

Social Theory (SOCI 101)

Module Coordinator: Paul Jones

Essay Question: Why is the concept of social facts so significant for Durkheim’s work? Illustrate your answer with reference to at least one of his studies.

This essay will look at social facts and the significance of them to Durkheim’s work, Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) a French sociologist wrote a series of controversial monographs, showing the methods and subject matter of the new science of sociology. Some of his major works include The Division of Labour in Society (1893), The Rules of Sociological Method (1895) and Suicide (1897), this essay will take a closer look at Durkheim’s work on Suicide, and his concept of social …show more content…

The statistical rates were not social facts themselves but, rather, indicative of them ( 1995) Durkheim began his study by examining suicide records in and around France, the statistics displayed that some categories of people were more prone to take their own lives, he also noticed that men had a higher tendency than women (Macionas, Plummer. 1998).
As Durkheim considered these statistics as social facts, he believed that they could be used to find the sociological causes of suicide rates, he would go on to try and establish correlations, and using the comparative method, uncovering patterns that would reveal the causal relationships at work in the production of suicide rates (Haralhambos, Holborn. 2008)
Suicide (1897) was not written with the intention of explaining why individuals commit suicide, its intention was to show why suicide rates exhibit such stability
(Hughes. 1995). Durkheim developed a four fold classification system of suicides, the first one he named
‘Egoistic suicide’, is characterized by a general depression, displayed in the form of melancholic languor or Epicurean indifference (Durkheim. 1951) this type of suicide occurs when the individual has insufficiently integrated

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