
Durkheim's And Marx: The Role Of Religion In Human Life

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Religion has played a pivotal role in people’s lives. Religion has an important role in shaping personal morals, social interactions, helping people understand the world, or finding a purpose in their life. However, the importance role of religion and its purpose have a different meaning to each individual. There has not been a definitive explanation what the function of religion in human life is that is unanimously agreed upon. The different conception of the function of religion in human life is seen in Durkheim’s and Marx’s view on religion.
Marx believed that religion is a part of the social structure that enforces the structure of society. The structure of society is based on the economical means a society relies on. For example, a capitalist …show more content…

People turn to religion to deflect the struggles they face in society. The struggles people encounter is the misery people feel from the alienation from their job because of the disconnection they feel from the product the are making. The product they are making are for the beneficiary of others and not themselves. The feeling of misery comes from the interactions with other human beings in a way that a person has to look up to someone that is in a superior position to them. Marx sees religion acting as a drug that people turn to get away from the the struggles they are …show more content…

Durkheim states that religion is, “a religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden-beliefs and practices which united in one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them” (Durkheim, 47). Religion and society are one in the same thing; they can not be separated apart. Religion acts as a set of ideas that individuals follow in order to be apart of a society. As a community everyone cooperates among each other to form a society. Based on Durkheim beliefs, if religion didn’t exist then there would not be a functioning society. Durkheim argues that “special bonds” such as rituals and ceremonies along with shared values hold a society together.
Also, Durkheim definition involves the differentiation of sacred and profane in religion. The sacred part of religion is anything deemed by the community requiring special religious treatment. This may include anything from an object to rituals. These ideas or objects are considered sacred because only certain communities within society deemed them as sacred. On the other hand, Durkheim considered the attitude toward the objects or ideas are considered as sacred as profane. The community’s sees the sacred ideas with familiarity and respect the sacred in their everyday

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