
Dust Bowl Dbq

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The Great Depression affected many lives of americans and many others outside of the United States. The Great Depression first affected the people who were in the city. Then the depression reached the outsides of the cities and then the rural parts of the country. The wheat prices drop extremely. Then because of the poor farm practices from the many different plows used the Dust Bowl started. The Dust Bowl made it harder for farmers to survive in the Great Depression. Farmers before the Great Depression mainly used two different plows, the Lister plow and the One way plow. THe Lister plow would separate the soil so you could easily plant the seeds. Two down sides of the Lister plow is that is was expensive and took more time to plow your land. The Lister plow way the best plow for the soil, it keeps the soil in the ground instead of letting the ground …show more content…

Most farmers bought the cheaper one, that one is called the One way Plow. The One way plow was a big part of what caused the Dust bowl. Another big part that caused the Dust Bowl was the large droughts that caused the soil to stay loose and have the wind take it away. The Dust bowl caused kids to not go to school and have them stay in school during a big dust storm. Teachers would keep the kids inside until the storm is over because the kids could get lost in the storm. The Dust bowl also destroyed farms and made it almost impossible to farm anything on the land any more. The dust would come into houses and destroy furniture and plates, etc. THe dust storms were really devastating for the farmers. The farmers wouldn't be able to plant their crops because of the dust and if they did plant crops they didn't get many crops because the rest would be destroyed by the storms. It was very hard for farmers to make any money off of their

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