
Dust Bowl Thesis

Decent Essays

Thesis: People’s actions caused the Dust Bowl.

The reasons why the people had started the madness. People’s actions caused the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl left people with nothing at the time. It also killed lots of people around the areas of the Dust Bowl.“Most early settlers used the land for livestock grazing until agricultural mechanization combined with high grain prices during World War I.” (Dust Bowl) People wanted even more when they should have stopped sooner. “By 1941 much of the land was rehabilitated, but the region repeated its mistakes during World War II as farmers again plowed up grassland to plant wheat when grain prices rose.” (Dust Bowl) The land was improving a little bit, but the people made the same mistake again. “ Lured by a land lush with shrubs, grasses, and soil so rich it looked like chocolate, the farmers didn’t realize that what they were witnessing.”(Introduction, Surviving The Dust Bowl) The …show more content…

“But in the summer of 1931, the rains disappeared. Crops withered and died. The land became parched, the winds picked up—and the dust storms began.” (Introduction, Surviving The Dust Bowl)The aftermath of the Dust Bowl was terrible. Everything was destroyed and there was pretty much nothing left. “They rolled in without warning, blotting out the sun and casting entire towns into darkness. Afterward, there was dust everywhere—in food, in water, in the lungs of animals and people.”(Introduction, Surviving The Dust Bowl) The Dust Bowl had rolled in without any warning or people knowing anything at all.

Thesis: Most important fact. Leave the reader with something to think about.

People’s actions caused the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl had made lots of people suffer and lead to the Great Depression. In areas like Oklahoma, they’ve had things like this, but not even close to as bad. If people were more cautious, would it have helped a lot more or a lot

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