
Dynamic Character In Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you raised someone else’s kid? Romeo and Juliet , written by William Shakespeare. The Nurse was a dynamic character who was vulgar, long winded, and sentimental character, who provides comic relief with frequent inappropriate remarks and speeches which effects the novel positively. Throughout the story, we see the Nurse tends to be very vulgar. The nurse always jokes around with sexual references and even tells Juliet its okay for that in a relationship. Even when she is on the streets, she makes sexual jokes with strangers. She says, “Now by my maidenhead at twelve year old I bade her to come” (I, iii 4). This quote explains that she wasn’t a virgin after 12. She is insisting, once again, that it is ok for young relationships to do this. Even with all of her remarks, she lightens the mood of the story and …show more content…

When in a conversation, she constantly responds and is usually lengthy. She is typically the primary speaker, or the one who talk the most in any conversation she has. The nurse in Act1 scene 3, line 401, she begins a long wordy paragraph ability Christmas and the past time of her life. This quote is stating that the nurse sets many lengthy speeches in the most random moments. As we see, the nurse tends to want to say a lot and wants to get it all out in short matter of time. Throughout the story we see the nurse as a sentimental character. The nurse tends to people who are suffering. She helps Juliet throughout her relationship, and she also helps many f the Capulets. She is very emotional and shows a direct relationship with many characters in the play. “O Tybalt, Tybalt, and best friend I had! O courteous Tybalt! Honest gentlemen! That ever I should live to see thee dead” (III, ii 1785). This quote shows that she is passionate about Tybalt and cares for him and is sad he is dead. The nurse is a sentimental character who has passionate feelings towards

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