
E-Cigarette Benefits

Decent Essays

Do you know a friend, or have a family member that uses an e-cigarette? The chances of a person has increased greatly. According to the American Lung Association,”both high school and middle school students e-cigarette usage has tripled in one year, increasing from 4.5% in 2013 to 13.4 % in 2014.” With the rising usage rates, e-cigs and their dangers associated with them are impacting more and more Americans everyday. While some people in America believe that electronic cigarettes are safe, Americans should be aware that electronic cigarettes have dangers, including addiction and harmful chemicals.

Although E-cigarettes, also known as electronic cigarettes, are generally bad for your health, they do have some beneficial uses. The biggest benefit would helping people stop smoking regular tobacco cigarettes. Although e-cigs aren't harmless, they do offer a safer, and healthier alternative to regular tobacco cigarettes. In fact, Webmd states, “people who wanted to quit smoking were 60% more likely to succeed if they used an e-cigarette to would be quitters who used anti-smoke nicotine patches or gum.” This …show more content…

They contain nicotine which is a stimulant. Nicotine comes in 3 types, e-cig companies use the strongest, most potent form. On the contrast, regular cigarettes use the mild and middle potency form of nicotine.

In conclusion, more Americans need to be aware of the dangers of e-cigs including their addictive levels of nicotine, and harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde. Thedailybeast addressed the dangerous of e-cigs to not only the user, but other in this statement ,”Outside the risk of exposure to cancer-causing agents, e-cigarettes have been shown to prove dangerous to kids.” This shows that the dangers caused by e-cigs can indirectly harm others, and is posing as a threat to the user's health and can act as a bad influence toward the youth. This is why americans need to relook at how safe e-cigarettes

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