
Early Jamestown Dbq Essay

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Of all the English settlers that arrived in early Jamestown from 1607 to 1611, 80% of them died. The first three ships arrived at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay bringing just over one hundred settlers who would attempt to establish the first English settlement. Fifty miles up the James River, the colonists chose a piece of land that seemed to be full of resources, and called it Jamestown. Those who study early Jamestown often wonder why so many colonists died despite the resources that were originally thought to be available. Environmental problems, lack of settler skills, and poor relationships with Native Americans were the main contributors to the high percentage of colonists’ death. Environmental Problems, including illness, caused the majority of colonists’ deaths in early Jamestown. The rivers and creeks where Jamestown was located were often brackish, meaning that they were too salty for use. This happened as water levels rose with the tide. Any waste introduced into the water by the settlers tended to “fester” and not get flushed away (Doc A). Drinking salty water causes severe dehydration, so colonists had to find another source for fresh water. A person cannot survive without …show more content…

During 1607,1608,1609,and 1610 there were lots of indian attacks.Throughout those years 173 colonist died from Indian attacks.The relationship between the indians and the colonist got worse.In the biginnig the indians trusted the colonist but they would kill the indians and take their food.The colonist died from the indians because they would fight each other for food,water,and other resources.The colonist would often trade with the indians but they would have it so the colinist would get the better deal.The indians wouldn’t have attacked the indians for no resson.Often the colonist would start the fight because they were low on food and they were agitated.Colonist were scared to even leave their house becasuse of the indians.The relationships were really bad as you can

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