
Early Jamestown Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

In early Jamestown, colonists were all you would call, “inexperienced” and victims of circumstances. Also, most sought riches and new opportunities. But at the end of their tragic fate, 400 of their men died by 1611. Why did so many colonists perish? They could not adapt, were victims of diseases, attacks by Powhatan Indians, and poor Native American relations. Jamestown settlers could not adjust to the new environment. The area was dry when the settlers arrived, and the environment was in a drought. Most perished from thirst and were denied food from the seasons. Winter and fall caused the fish to migrate, and were very limited during those times of the year. (Doc. A) They also could not plant food, because the water supply was also scarce during those times of the year. (Doc. A) Summer and spring were the only times available for food and hunting, but even with the amount of food they had they could not last the winter. (Doc. D) The colonists did not have a lot of useful jobs. (Doc. C) The men, who were sent to America were composed generally of gentlemen and those whose professions are not fitted for survival in the …show more content…

The colonists’ water supply was limited and became brackish. The poor location they have chosen also added to the struggle. On an island with the tides of saltwater going in and out every day, the water polluted with human waste, trash, and litter among others.. The colonist’s drinking water was limited, and most died of infection and poisoning from the river. (Sentence 2-3 taken from Doc. A) After the colonists traded with the Native Americans, the ships of supplies of grain headed back to England instead of staying in Jamestown to help the colonists. (Doc. D) Also during the drought in Jamestown (when they arrived), the water supply was dangerously low and colonists died of thirst and the food all went away and the amount of water they had available could not support the crops they were

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