
Education Inequality In Education

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Inequality in education is a current global issue and is closely related to economic inequality, which is rising within many nations. In 1948, countries signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which promoted the idea that education is a fundamental human right (M. A., M. D., & A. B). Education is a key factor that influences social and developmental outcomes in countries and communities, and because of this reducing education inequality is an extremely important sustainable development goal by 2030 (M. A., M. D., & A. B).
Antoninis, Delprato, and Benavot point out that there is a positive correlation between increased inequality in education and greater conflict probability. Socioeconomic status and income are key factors …show more content…

It is reported that 20% of young people, specifically from the ages of twenty-five to thirty-five, have not attained an upper secondary education. However, the percentage of young people not attaining a secondary education varies in different countries. For instance, in Korea it is 3%, and in Turkey, it is 62%. It is also reported that 25% of fifteen year-old students do not value success in school. These students are likely to experience negative emotions or experiment with drugs and alcohol, which directs their attention away from their education (Equity and Quality in Education). In addition to this, the Hispanic population is growing in the United States, contributing to increased enrollment of Hispanic students in schools. “By the year 2025, one out of every four public school students in the United States will be Latino” (Arias, J. M). It is estimated that 29% of Hispanic children in 2007 lived below the poverty line. This is reported to be approximately double the percentage of white children who lived below the poverty line. (Arias, J. M). In organisation for economic co-operation and development countries, 84% of people that had a tertiary education were employed in 2009, but only 56% of people who had not attained an upper secondary education were employed (Inequality in education: The challenge of Measurement). Because economic inequality is rising within countries, one of the sustainable developmental goals by 2030 is to

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