
Effective Motivational Techniques in the Workplace

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Effective Motivational Techniques in the Workplace Work. Some love it, some hate it, others see it as an escape from reality, and still others view it as passing time, but everyone works to provide for our families and ourselves. Whether rich or poor, work is something that everyone will experience sometime during his or her lifespan. Motivation plays a key role in one’s opinion on work. In this struggling economy, organizations are asking how to motivate employees, as many have had to restructure and develop ways to maximize its resources. Using different motivational techniques together in the workplace can improve overall moral, improve employee job satisfaction, and quite possibly increase performance. Motivation (in a work …show more content…

Maslow’s study of the needs hierarchy led to Frederick Herzberg’s theory, Two-Factor Theory. Herzberg researched focused on employee’s attitudes and motivation. He determined that there are two factors of motivation. The first set (hygiene factors) relates to the employee's need for fair treatment in compensation, supervision, and working conditions (Dictionary of Human Resource Management, 2001). If these are not met, employees feel dissatisfied. Herzberg second set of needs, (motivator factors) identify personal growth and capacity development on the job, (promotion, achievement, responsibility, etc.) must be met for employees to experience job satisfaction. Distinguishing between these two sets of factors is important because it means that different factors are responsible for job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction (Dictionary of Human Resource Management, 2001). Herzberg believed that motivation increases when one combines pay (extrinsic factor) with a motivator such as challenging work (DuBrin, 2007). This theory has led people to understand that money will not always be the best motivation. Some researches still didn’t believe that Maslow’s need hierarchy covered all the possible human needs. David C. McClelland and his associates proposed a theory of motivation based on the premise that people acquire or learn needs form their culture (DuBrin, 2007). McClelland’s Achievement – Power – Affiliation

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