
Essay on Effective Team Leadership

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Effective Team Leadership
The area of team leadership attracts a lot of attention in the modern world because of the need to assemble and deploy diverse teams for the completion of projects. The future of many corporations relies more and more on the kind of team leadership they have for their projects. This paper explores a number of facets that constitute effective team leadership.
There are certain essential elements that constitute the definition of leadership. It may refer to the totality of an organization’s top direction-giving functionaries, or the actions applied in providing direction that enables the organization or team to move forward towards a goal. In reality, there are very diverse definitions of leadership depending on …show more content…

This vision attracts would-be followers to join in the effort to alleviate the challenge. Thirdly, it is characteristic of leadership to possess the skills required to harness the resources that a group brings together and to apply those resources in alleviating the challenge in order to deliver the vision.
Without leadership, a team lacks direction and cohesion. Leadership is there to solve challenges associated with teamwork and to insure the attainment of the main objective of the team effort. Leadership reduces the risks associated with a project. This happens because the person or team providing direction for the project do not get involved in detailed implementation freeing them to see the big picture from which they identify and reduce or eliminate risks. Leadership increasingly means the difference between a successful project and a failed one despite the availability of resources. This is because of the role leadership plays in the effective allocation of resources to achieve the projects objectives.
On organization is the legacy of its past leaders. This means that all decisions a leader made while in charge live on through the systems he established, the opportunities he seized, and the mistakes he made. In team leadership, the outcome of the team effort depends on the skill the leader possesses empowering

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