
Effects Of Alcohol Consumption On Popular Recreational Soft Drugs

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The recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana or ecstasy is less harmful than alcohol consumption and therefore should be decriminalised.
When you hear the word drugs, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? A nightclub full of adolescents, hopped up on happy pills, raving until night turns to day, or going down to the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine with dinner? Decriminalising recreational soft drugs is something that cannot be taken lightly, and a decision that can have many negative, but also positive outcomes. My initial opinion, and evaluation of this essay prompt is quite a varied one. Therefore this is a very weak deductive argument that begs the question. Alcohol as a drug itself, is just as, if not more harmful …show more content…

Such as, the psycho-active effects of recreational drugs, and the neurological consequences that pose risk to societies and individuals. Which substances actually fall into the category of “Soft Drugs,” as recreational drugs have several categories to determine this. The harms and inherent risks of alcohol to society and individuals. As well as the revenue building the government receives from legalized drugs which will also determine the legality of that particular drug.
The supporting evidence I have provided for my negative position on the exam prompt, is from three different sources that will re-iterate my evaluation of the topic. As studies suggest, ‘On average, alcohol causes 22,000 premature deaths in the UK each year while ecstasy causes 10. These figures are contestable but their order of magnitude is not’ (Wolff, J, 2007, p4). Consequently this is a strong, and clear indication that alcohol, is a lot more harmful than a certain, so called soft drug. But this does not give a clear indication on the wide adverse effects of recreational drugs compared to alcohol. (Wolff, J, 2007, p8) suggests that, ‘Drug use harms strangers by involving them in the collisions, shootouts and other catastrophes to which the impaired and overly aggressive drug users

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