
Effects Of Slavery On Native Americans

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When columbus first found the Americas little did he or anyone in this case know everything that would happen in the next few years he would rewrite history and change it to how we know it now.

Many people heard about the new land and thought with this new land would come a new beginning so they started arriving in fleets from Britain to come for the new land and with so many people coming we needed food and settlers for them and laws. The thing is though the people who were coming over and going to the south needed workers for farms so they used natives at first and that didn’t work out too well, many of them died because of our diseases and the natives couldn’t fight them off. The native americans also new the land much better than …show more content…

Most of the people who became slaves were from Africa, because of that it made the population go down greatly. About 2 to 11 million Africans were taken as slaves, and because that was so many people that were taken it vastly decreased the whole population for them. Because of how many people were taken it took a very long time for them to regain any of their population back. With the decrease of population also means many people lost their lives in the americas but not just their lives many people lost family members to this catastrophe. Slave traders had taken most of these people randomly out of their houses of just off the street, but a small percentage of them also came from other countries and continents with Africans who they had captured. They then sold them just to get …show more content…

The north was okay with it for a while then the learned how the slaves we treated. Many of the slaves were whipped, beaten, underfeed, not even sleep and overworked. Northerners then wanted people to stop slavery, this caused the south to get fed up with the north because they had been doing it for so long and that was one of the ways the got their food supplies and money. The north and south then went into war to stop the slavery, many people from the south didn’t care though they just wanted to be able to make money and they never cared about blacks life because they felt superior to blacks. After slavery was officially banned the idea that whites are better than blacks was what every white felt, this had caused the idea of racism to grow hugely and the idea of segregation to come about. Many people believed that blacks were lower under them so they didn’t think they should have to go to the same stores or drink out of the same water fountains for example, so they made two of everything one for whites and another for colored. They gave blacks no rights and whites would be able to kill blacks out of cold blood and never get punished but if a black just tried to defend themselves they were ordered to be hung.

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