
Effects Of The New Deal

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the New Deal, it affected them then, and it still affects us now. The New Deal was created because of the “worst financial crisis since the 1930’s” (Brinkley, Alan). Without the New Deal and President Roosevelt America would be horrendous. The New Deal had both short term and long term effects on the citizens and the government. One short term effect was that it relieved and improved the citizens that had been suffering from the Great Depression. In the long run it played a key role in our government. If it was not for the New Deal and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt our government would not be the way it is today (“Great Depression and World War II”).
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was inaugurated the thirty-second president of the United States in March 1933, and he was president until he died in April of 1945. In that time the economy had gone downhill, today we justify that time period as the Great Depression (“Great Depression and World War II”). The Great Depression was when families were enduring economic complications. The families have insufficient or no money at all, and a limited amount of jobs accessible to the public. They began to call it the “Great Depression,” because the stock market fell (“Great Depression and the New Deal”). The only reason our economy recovered was because of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the “New Deal” (“Great Depression and World War II”). The New Deal incorporated ideas to get the country and citizens

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