
Effects Of Urbanisation On The Hydrology Of A Catchment

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Question 1 a) Explain the affects that Urbanisation can have on the hydrology of a catchment. Outline how SuDs can mitigate these impacts and explain the role and features of the following systems: • Permeable pavements • Swale • Detention Ponds Urbanisation affects the hydrology of a catchment in various ways, it causes issues with the natural drainage of the environment by blocking stream channels and removing trees which help break the momentum of rain. Urbanisation creates a lot of surfaces that are impermeable which causes water build up, the water picks up pollutants and chemicals and these are dispersed into streams and rivers. Roads and pavements collect rainwater and channel it into waterways rather than letting it disperse into the ground, like it would if it had not had any human intervention. SuDs have been introduced within construction projects now in order mimic the natural drainage pattern of a specific area, these SuDs that are now being introduced are aiding urban developments in allowing surface water to be managed well without causing any impact on other sites. Permeable paving comes in a range of materials, it was designed to allow water through a surface that would have usually be impermeable, they are generally used on pathways, lawns and roads that only take light vehicle movements. They essentially reduce surface water run-off, which traps solids and filters some pollutants from the water, they also give urban trees the chance to grow to full

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