
Effects Of World War II On America

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Zikra Imtiaz
Govt. 2305
Effects of World War II Americans have been wondering whether President Truman should’ve ordered the usage of weapons which was against Japan back in August 1945. The World War II which involved almost every part of the world. This decision had the citizens thinking every year that passes by as if the President had made wrong decision. This horrible event had the citizens in doubt. The results were not good for the Japanese civilians. Because the of the atomic bomb they had lost not only their families, but also their houses and businesses. It impacted the tens of thousands of people in every way possible. To what Americans observes from this is not only the pros it had brought for the citizens, but it …show more content…

Which took years before it could get normal. Even today they still think the reason, but for the citizens it was the most effective way. The pros it brought to the U.S were amazed. Whereas the U.S had also lost billions of dollars in their businesses and industries. The greater the impact on the Americans it had been for over the centuries. On the other hand, Japan was ready to call it quits anyway. More than 60 of its cities had been destroyed by conventional bombing, the home islands were being blockaded by the American Navy, and the Soviet Union entered the war by attacking Japanese troops in Manchuria. A demonstration explosion over Tokyo harbor would have convinced Japan 's leaders to quit without killing many people. But what President Truman could’ve come up with better than this which led to killing many Japanese’s civilizations. Civilian losses were great as a result of not only the Holocaust in Europe and the genocidal policies of Japan toward China but also the extensive bombing of cities. The United States, the only major power not to sustain physical damage after the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, emerged from the war an economic and military superpower. The war also spurred decolonization, gave birth to the United Nations, and, through various agreements between the Soviet Union and the other Allies, set the stage for the Cold War (American Short Stories). The Japanese had demonstrated near fanatical resistance, fighting to almost the last man on

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