
Eisenhower vs. Truman

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Eisenhower vs Truman IN THE COLD WAR

Life, Policies and Accomplishments
Life, Policies and Accomplishments
American History

Harry S. Truman was born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri. His parents were John Anderson Truman and Martha Ellen Young Truman. He also grew up in a poor family. He only had one brother and one sister. Since he was young, he liked history, government and reading. He went to school but when he was at college he decided to stop attending to it because he had to help to get money for his family. At the age of 35, he married Elizabeth Bess Virginia Wallace and they had a daughter called Margaret Truman.
Truman worked at his father’s farm until he joined the military to participate in World …show more content…

All of them are related in some way.
The main differences from Eisenhower and Truman are that Eisenhower was more concentrated in democracy. Containment was important for Eisenhower but it was not everything while Truman really wanted to put away communist people from the United States.

President Truman helped in the process of putting an end to World War II by taking the decision of using an atomic bomb on Japan. He used the bomb to give a message to the Soviet Union that the United States was not afraid of using nuclear weapons if it was necessary. Also he wanted to find a quicker way to stop the war without losing troops.
Truman also worked on the containment issue. He worked really hard to stop communism in the United States and also not letting communists to be in the United States as well. He also supported the creation of the United Nations in order to avoid future world ward and to help solving conflicts peacefully. Another of his accomplishments was to create the Truman Doctrine that helped countries from Europe to be able to resist communist intervention.
Eisenhower solved the problem of 1957 at Little Rock Central High School. Nine black students went to that school as an experiment of what could happen if black and white people went to the same schools. When the students arrived to the school, they found a lot of people out of it protesting against the idea of black and white students in the same schools. The people, who were

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