
Ellis Island Research Paper

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Ellis Island
Many of our ancestors came to America from Ellis Island, almost too many came. Forty percent of Americans can trace them back through Ellis Island. The reason for ellis Island was to legally allow immigrants to come to America. There was four main countries these people came from. The countries were Germany, Ireland, Britain and Scandinavia. WIthout Ellis Island America’s population would be about as half as big as it is, since forty percent of americans can trace their ancestors from Ellis Island. A big question now is what truly was the purpose of Ellis Island. Ellis Island was a federal immigration station and processed three quarters of the immigrants that came to america.( 10 …show more content…

Host to those who could not get into the U.S. These people included German sailors and suspected spies. The hospital on the island was in use by the Army. It was used by the army to treat wounded soldiers and people could not stay there.This was when Ellis island came as a place that would not go away. However there was yet another mass destruction on the island. This time it was bombs instead of a fire. What happened was, Railroad cars were exploding. This Almost blew the island out of existence. The cause of this was a terrorist attack. The Terrorists exploded the cargo in the cars and bomb shells exploded in the air for hours. Although there was no major injuries to the people, every window was was busted open and every door was jammed. This led to the end of the great …show more content…

The Island was abandoned for more than twenty years. This allowed some jobs to open up for everyone in America. The island attempted to sell the property but did not. Instead it was going to be restored. It was going to be restored by Ronald Reagan, who at the time was the president of the United States. Ronald wanted to restore the statue of Liberty and Ellis island and this is what he did. He asked asked Lee Iacocca who is the chairman of the board of Chrysler corporation of America to fund his expenses. Once the restoration was over, thanks to Ronald and Iacocca the island was re-opened. Ellis island was reopened on September 10, 1990.
However, the islands remaining abandoned buildings are being stabilized and rehabilitated right now. Today the island stands as a top tourist attraction in America. The island has a Immigration Museum. On the island there's a self-guided tour around the Island to see everything you wish.
To get on the Island you have to take a ferry to the island and that is part of the experience. The Island is wonderful experience and is in the top ten on the list for tourist attractions in

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