
Ellis Island Research Paper

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Ellis Island was an immigration center located in New York Harbor. “At Ellis Island, some people were allowed to enter the united States right away, some were detained (held for a while), and some were deported (rejected and sent back)” (Levine). Some people called Ellis Island “Island of Tears”. Others called it “Island of Hope”. The United States ethnicity is so diverse because of the many different immigrants that came through Ellis Island to live in America. Ellis Island is a symbol of hope to many immigrants and their ancestors.
“Before Ellis Island opened, immigrants had been examined at Castle Garden at the tip of Manhattan Island” (Levine). First, Castle Garden had been a fort, then a concert hall. Then in 1855 it was turned into an …show more content…

The ship companies had to prepare a manifest- a list of information about everyone on board the ship. In first and second class you would have a private cabin to sleep in. Third class was crowded with no fresh air. They slept in narrow bunk beds. Once the ship reached Ellis Island, if you were in first or second class, you were examined on the ship. If you passed you were free to enter the country when the ship docked in New York Harbor. Only the immigrants who traveled in third class or steerage were taken to Ellis Island. Most people could only afford third class. Most families could not afford to send their whole family at once. Often a father or an older brother would go first. they would find work and send money back to their families. To get enough money to pay to come to America some people would sell almost all their belongings and then bring whatever they could carry to …show more content…

Some people held on to all their bags. Then, they went up a staircase to the Registry Room. There they would be examined by doctors and immigration inspectors. The doctor’s first test was how the immigrants walked up the stairs. They would see who limped or who had trouble breathing. When you reached the top, they looked at your skin throat, hands, and scalp. Children older than two had to walk by themselves. All the immigrants were asked their names to see if they could hear or speak. Some doctors checked to see if you had a contagious eye disease called trachoma. If the doctors found something wrong, they would put a chalk mark on your clothes. “If you were not detained on the island then the inspection process took 3-7 hours” (National). If you were detained with a curable sickness, then you were kept in the hospital until you were better. If your sickness was incurable then you were kept in a special hospital until a steamship could take you back to where you had come from. If you were detained at Ellis Island, you were served food in the kitchens and slept in the dormitory. Both were usually overcrowded. There were many things people could do if they were detained. There was kindergarten for young children and meeting rooms for the adults. At the end of the Great Hall was the Staircase of Separation. A turn to the right at the bottom led to the railroad ticket office. A turn to the left led to the ferry to Manhattan.

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