
Ellis Island: The Role Of Immigration In The United States

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“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door”(Lazarus).This is what America stood for when immigrants were free to come to the U.S., before the wars broke out and we became afraid that immigrants could be terrorists. The American way of life has gradually disappeared in many ways than one, but one major way is the process of immigration. Immigration today versus when Ellis Island was open is very different. Today immigrants have one year to learn and pass a test a U.S. born citizen would have trouble passing the first time. Everyone has stated his/her beliefs, mostly the Presidential candidates, and some normal everyday Americans have expressed opinions on the idea of building a wall. I believe that the wall will make us like other countries, like Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and United Arab Emirate (Pollock) or some European countries. The balance between a wall and freedom is letting immigrants in like when Ellis Island was open with all the health inspection, and the tough questioning. We should also increase the Border Patrol and the way we enforce those laws. …show more content…

We have people behind Trump saying ‘Let's build the wall’ and we have the rest of the U.S. that thinks Trump is out of his mind saying ‘Leave it alone.’ I think there is a better way to solve our problem. We can increase the the laws that are for Border Patrol or at least increase the number of agents on the

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