
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Debate

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The issue of embryonic stem cell research is a great controversy. Some say it is morally wrong and that the cell is a human life. They believe that the research is destroying a life and it should not be funded. Others say it is a great development in research and can help prevent genetic diseases such as blindness and spinal injuries. Embryonic cells can also be fertilized and implanted into a woman's uterus to help conceive pregnancy. Should public funding be provided? Is the research really destroying a human life? Embryonic stem cell research could provide many medical advanced. Studying the stem cells could help prevent diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
“Over 100 million Americans suffer from diseases that eventually may be treated more effectively or even cured with embryonic stem cell therapy.” (White).
Diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are caused by dopamine levels in the brain being very low or not existent at all. With stem cell research, researchers can help regrow new and healthy brain cells to help address complications with these diseases. Stem cells can also help with neurological complications and replace spinal cord neurons. Although stem cell research can provide medical advances, there are also a lot of …show more content…

Some say that it should not be considered a life because they “lack physical and psychological properties that human beings have…” (Finey) When the embryo is harvested, the central nervous system has not yet developed which means the embryo has not developed into a fetus. Advocates for ESC research posit that the eggs will be discarded anyways and using them for research puts them to good use. In July 2000 Pope John Paul II declared embryonic stem cell research and cloning among the “evils of Western culture”.

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