
Emile Durkheim Religion

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Through ethnographic research, Durkheim can explain the fundamentals of religion and its relation to society. We are not born with the innate knowledge of structural situations or cultural effects that occur within a society. Nor, are we aware of the effects our behaviors and attitudes have on a society. Durkheim’s worked untimely explained how the moral realm functioned by focusing on primitive religion. Religious ceremonies closely resemble social life, containing highly routined acts. The essential elements of religion include rites which are expressed by rituals and practice. Rituals unite social groups regardless of individual differences, which are found in both modern and traditional societies because rituals are a part of both. Durkheim noted, to have a …show more content…

I, for example, am very unfamiliar with the society of sports, however, I am able to apply Durkheim’s fundamental concepts to deconstruct the sacred and profane of it. In football or any other major sports, has become a religion for many. How so? Sports fans often elevate their players and define them as a god to the team, and practice rituals for certain games, their church is their stadium where their follows go to admire and support them. The put significant sacredness on their team's logo (symbols) and despise the profane acts such as jinxing the team by doing something out of the usual routine. Although such example is a bit extreme, it does prove Durkheim's observations and considerations of collective representation in making a society cohesive. If society did not have these elements, it would cause constant chaos and further disagreements on morality. He provides an understanding of the discipline of sociology and the social phenomena that is observed in each

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